Tips for displaying an form using javascript functions

I am currently developing a login page in and have utilized a template from CodePen at

It is my understanding that an page can only have one form tag with runat="server". However, I need to incorporate code behind functionality into two form tags.

<form runat="server" visible="true" id="form1">

<form runat="server" visible="false" id="form2">

I have a div tag that serves as a toggle button:

<div class='switch' onclick="show();" >
<i class='fa fa-pencil fa-times' onclick="show()"></i>

Here is the JavaScript being used:

function show()
document.getElementById("form2").style.visibility = "visible";

Unfortunately, this code is not functioning as expected. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you hide a form on the server, it will not be visible to the client until you apply CSS to make it visible.

<form style="display:none" />

Then, use the following code snippet to display the form:"block"; 

It's important to note that your forms are unlikely to be named form1 and form2 unless you have specifically set them up with those static IDs.

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