"Revealing the specific row and column of the selected element in each table when hovering over it

On my webpage, I have set up two tables positioned side by side like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Whenever I hover over a cell in either table, I want the corresponding cell in the other table to also be highlighted at the same time (for example, hovering over [0,0] should highlight [0,0] in the other table).

To achieve this effect for one table, I followed the guidance in this link (using addClass and removeClass instead of toggleClass). How can I extend this functionality to cover both tables?

Answer №1

Here's a technique to achieve this task, it would have been simpler if the tables were given IDs but this approach will do as well:

$('table table td').hover(function() {
    $this = $(this);
    //identifying the selected cell
    cell = $this.closest("table").find("td").index(this);


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