Resolving the problem with iterating through $list using SCSS/SASS @mixin

Consider the following list:

$box-shadow-properties: -webkit-box-shadow, -moz-box-shadow, box-shadow;

I am attempting to create a mixin that iterates through this list:

@mixin box-shadow-with-inset($box-shadow-params, $inset-params) {
  @each $property in $box-shadow-properties {
    $property: $box-shadow-params, $inset-params;

My goal is to then use this mixin like this:

@include box-shadow-with-inset(0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), inset 0px -1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1));

Despite no compile errors, the mixin does not compile to the CSS file and seems to be completely ignored. Any suggestions on how to address this issue?

Answer №1

Discovered the solution. It seems that when using property names in combination with a list, interpolation is necessary. Therefore:


$property: $box-shadow-params, $inset-params;


#{$property}: $box-shadow-params, $inset-params;

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