Using plain JavaScript (without any additional libraries like jQuery), you can eliminate a class from an element

I'm attempting to locate an element by its class name, and then remove the class from it.

My goal is to achieve this using pure JavaScript, without relying on jQuery.

Here is my current approach:

  var changeController = function() {
    var removeClass = document.getElementsByClassName("selected-hr")[0];

<div class="col col-25 selected-hr">
  <a class="tb-header-link" onclick="changeController()">ALL</a>

EDIT 1: Fixed typo in changeController() method.

Answer №1

Make sure to pass this as a parameter into the function changeController(). Utilize the parentNode property to access the referring div. Remember to place any script tags after your HTML markup to guarantee that the DOM is fully loaded before executing the script, ideally right before the closing </body> tag.

Sample Code

a {text-decoration: none;}
.selected-hr {background: tomato;}
<div class="col col-25 selected-hr">
  <a href='#/' class="tb-header-link" onclick="changeController(this)">ALL</a>

  function changeController(ele) {
    var parent = ele.parentNode;

Answer №2

Merely stating the name of a variable serves no purpose (even if the variable is assigned to a function).

You must invoke it in order to perform any actions. Include ().


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