Resolving the issue of the 'Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND' error

I'm encountering issues with loading my CSS in different browsers when using the "Copy Path" feature in VSCode. While everything displays correctly in preview mode within VS, none of the styles appear when pasting the path into Chrome or Edge.

Below is the link tag in my HTML:

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/Course 4/portfolioproject/styles.css"> 

Here is a screenshot: to provide more context via dev tools.]() I'm unsure if something became corrupted or if there's another issue at play. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I've attempted creating a new CSS file and transferring the code without success. I have verified that my paths are accurate. Additionally, I cleared my browser cache history in Google Chrome across all time periods.

Answer №1

Hey there, I've come across a bug that seems to be affecting me as well with something.

There's an issue where certain styles aren't displaying properly when we copy the path (definitely a bug).

However, if you open it through the live server, everything shows up perfectly fine.

Give it a try on the live server using VS Code, I have a feeling it will work...

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