Utilizing jQuery to Calculate Tab Scores

Last week, my teacher and I collaborated on a fun game called rEAndom game (). The game is created using javascript, jQuery, and HTML5. One interesting feature of the game is that when you press the TAB key, a div displaying the score appears. You can check out the code for this feature on CodePen:

However, there are two main issues that I have encountered:

  1. After pressing and releasing the Tab key, the div with the score does not disappear as intended.
  2. Even though I tried to prevent the default behavior of the Tab key, it seems to be causing some strange effects on the page.

Answer №1

You've encountered a couple of issues.

First Issue: Make sure to include "e.preventDefault();" in each function.

Second Problem: As far as I can recall, the "on" function only accepts one event.

Here's a revised version of the code that works for me:

$(document).on('keydown', function(e) {
  if(e.which == 9) {
        document.getElementById("hs").style.display = "block";

$(document).on('keyup', function(e) {
  if(e.which == 9) { 
        document.getElementById("hs").style.display = "none"; 

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