Maintain the height of the image equal to the height of the

I've been facing challenges with adjusting the height of this image to match the div container. I've experimented with various height properties such as max-height, min-height, normal height, auto, and 100%, but none seem to be providing the desired outcome. While I understand that the image may not look ideal, I simply need it to fit within the container.

For reference, you can view an example here -

Image code snippet:

.portfolioItem {
    float: left;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;

Answer №1

One way to achieve this without relying on JavaScript is by specifically defining the height property of .item with a set value in pixels, along with adding height: 100%; to .portfolioItem

UPDATE: Here's an example implementation:

Answer №2

precisely as it appears.

.workItem {
    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;

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