REG: Identifying Custom Dropdown Boxes with CAPYBARA

Currently, I am facing a challenge when trying to select a value from a custom dropdown menu that contains numerous options. The issue arises when attempting to choose values beyond the first one due to excessive padding spaces in the text.

While my code works for selecting the initial value:

find('.selected', :text=>arg1,exact: false).click

I need help figuring out how to address this situation and successfully select the remaining values with ease. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

When dealing with a drop-down menu, it's important to gather all the available options first:

menu = session.find(:css, '#MenuId')                   # adjust according to your needs
options  = menu.all(:css, "option").collect {|o| o.text}

After collecting all options, you can then use the index to make a selection from the drop-down list: options[2], from: 'MenuId'

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