Ways to define a variable based on a CSS class attribute?

I need help figuring out how to create a variable in my script that is defined by the width attribute of a CSS class. The snippet I have currently doesn't seem to work as expected.

var dist = $('.nav').css(width());

The goal of my script is to slide the .nav class when clicked. The issue arises because I'm using @media queries to adjust the width of .nav, which is the exact value I need for the sliding functionality. My approach here is to set the variable "dist" based on the width attribute of .nav - this way, I can simply use "dist" as the slide distance in the function.

I feel like what I'm attempting should be straightforward, yet I might be way off track. Is there a simpler method I should consider instead?

Answer №1

When you call width, it is not a function on its own and cannot be passed as an argument to the css method. If you are looking to retrieve the width of an element, you can either pass the string "width" into the css method, or use the jQuery width function directly:

var dist = $('.nav').css("width");
// or
var dist = $('.nav').width();

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