Rearrange items in a display: contents wrapper using CSS Grid

I'm having trouble positioning descendants in a root grid while they are enclosed in a container with display: contents.

The issue I am facing is that one element is not being correctly placed within the grid:

.wrapper {
  width: 80ch;
  margin: auto;
  margin-top: 4rem;

p {
  margin-block-start: 0px;

as-question {
  --font-size: 12pt;
  --spacing: 8px;
  width: 100%;
  display: grid;
  font-size: var(--font-size, 12pt);
  gap: var(--spacing, 8px);
  grid-template-columns: [question-number-start] 10mm [question-number-end part-number-start question-content-start] 1.75rem [part-number-end part-content-start subpart-number-start] 1.75rem [subpart-number-end subpart-content-start] auto [part-content-end subpart-content-end question-content-end marks-start] 2rem [marks-end question-end];
as-question:before {
  grid-column: question-number-start/question-number-end;
  content: "1.";
  counter-reset: part subpart;
as-question .content {
  display: contents;
as-question > div.content > :not(as-part):not(as-subpart) {
  grid-column: question-content-start/question-content-end;
as-question as-marks {
  grid-column: marks-start/marks-end;
as-question as-part {
  display: contents;
as-question as-part:before {
  counter-reset: subpart;
  counter-increment: part;
  grid-column: part-number-start/part-number-end;
  content: "(" counter(part, lower-alpha) ")";
  text-align: right;
as-question as-part > div.content > :not(as-subpart) {
  grid-column: part-content-start/part-content-end;
as-question as-part as-marks {
  color: red;
as-question as-subpart {
  display: contents;
as-question as-subpart:before {
  counter-increment: subpart;
  grid-column: subpart-number-start/subpart-number-end;
  content: "(" counter(subpart, lower-roman) ")";
  text-align: right;
as-question as-subpart > div.content * {
  grid-column: subpart-content-start/subpart-content-end;
as-question as-subpart as-marks {
  color: blue;
    <div class='content'>
      <p>This is some question content</p>
        <div class='content'>
          <p>Part: How can I not be pushed down?</p>
            <div class='content'>
            <div class='content'>
        <div class='content'>
            <div class='content'>
            <div class='content'>

Every time I insert an

element before a <div class='content'> (which has display: contents;), the first child of
<div class="content">
gets moved to the next row (refer to the image below).

Is there a way to ensure the first child of <div class='content'> is placed on the same line as the marks?

Although I could revert to using grids within grids within grids, this approach seemed more organized. Looking forward to the implementation of subgrid.

Codepen for testing

If you're wondering about the unconventional HTML structure, it's because I aim to utilize Prosemirror with custom NodeViews, and this is how Prosemirror structures the resulting HTML.

Answer №1

Here are a couple of key points:

1. The grid auto-placement algorithm


<div class="content">
element is moved to the next line because its natural placement in the grid remains unchanged.

In simpler terms, it flows naturally to the next line based on its position in the HTML code after certain elements.

Unless specified otherwise (e.g., using grid-row: 2), the grid auto-placement algorithm takes control.

2. Using grid-auto-flow: dense

To address this issue, the grid design includes a useful feature.

By applying grid-auto-flow: dense, the algorithm prioritizes filling empty spaces earlier within the grid layout.

Ensure to add this line of code to your grid container for optimal results.

Below is an updated version of your code with one modification and the compiled CSS:

.wrapper {
  width: 80ch;
  margin: auto;
  margin-top: 4rem;

p {
  margin-block-start: 0px;

as-question {
  --font-size: 12pt;
  --spacing: 8px;
  width: 100%;
  display: grid;
  font-size: var(--font-size, 12pt);
  gap: var(--spacing, 8px);
  grid-template-columns: [question-number-start] 10mm [question-number-end part-number-start question-content-start] 1.75rem [part-number-end part-content-start subpart-number-start] 1.75rem [subpart-number-end subpart-content-start] auto [part-content-end subpart-content-end question-content-end marks-start] 2rem [marks-end question-end];
  grid-auto-flow: dense; /* NEW */
as-question:before {
  grid-column: question-number-start/question-number-end;
  content: "1.";
  counter-reset: part subpart;
as-question .content {
  display: contents;
as-question > div.content > :not(as-part):not(as-subpart) {
  grid-column: question-content-start/question-content-end;
as-question as-marks {
  grid-column: marks-start/marks-end;
as-question as-part {
  display: contents;
as-question as-part:before {
  counter-reset: subpart;
  counter-increment: part;
  grid-column: part-number-start/part-number-end;
  content: "(" counter(part, lower-alpha) ")";
  text-align: right;
as-question as-part > div.content > :not(as-subpart) {
  grid-column: part-content-start/part-content-end;
as-question as-part as-marks {
  color: red;
as-question as-subpart {
  display: contents;
as-question as-subpart:before {
  counter-increment: subpart;
  grid-column: subpart-number-start/subpart-number-end;
  content: "(" counter(subpart, lower-roman) ")";
  text-align: right;
as-question as-subpart > div.content * {
  grid-column: subpart-content-start/subpart-content-end;
as-question as-subpart as-marks {
  color: blue;
<div class='wrapper'>
    <div class='content'>
      <p>This is some question content</p>
        <div class='content'>
          <p>Part: How can I not be pushed down?</p>
            <div class='content'>
            <div class='content'>
        <div class='content'>
            <div class='content'>
            <div class='content'>

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