Question about the origin of style sheet source files [*.css?ver=]

Can you explain the purpose of appending a query string to the end of a style sheet? I frequently come across examples like this:


Appreciate your insights.

Answer №1

Commonly, individuals utilize this method to avoid the caching of the CSS file.

Additionally, it might be employed by server software (such as Apache) to retrieve a particular version of the CSS according to the specified string.

Answer №2

When a new query string is added, it compels the browser to reload the file instead of relying on a cached version.

Answer №3

By adding a query string, the browser effectively treats the content as a new file, enhancing caching and allowing immediate display of changes without needing to clear the cache manually.

Answer №4

One helpful trick to overcome browser caching during development is by incrementing a specific number in your HTML code. By doing so, the browser will interpret it as a new file, prompting it to display the most recent version instead of relying on cached data.

Answer №5

Perhaps their intention is to demonstrate the latest CSS version without relying on browser cache. By using a parameter, this issue can be resolved.

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