Prevent horizontal HTML scrolling while displaying a layer

I am currently working with a .layer div element that darkens the page to highlight a modal. However, I have encountered an issue where upon triggering the event, the div does not occupy 100% of the screen and the original browser scroll bar disappears.

Is there a more elegant solution to ensure that the .layer div maintains the original page's scroll bar when visible?

While testing on smartphones/tablets, I have not experienced any issues when using the event .layer").show();. However, on desktop screens, the disappearance of the original browser scroll bar causes the entire HTML document to shift to the right.

What would be the proper approach to prevent the HTML from shifting to the right in this scenario?

Thank you in advance!


<div class="layer"></div>
<div class="open-modal">Open</div>

<div class="modal">
  <div class="close-modal">Close</div>


html {width:100%;min-height:100%;margin:0 auto;top:0;left:0;padding:0}
body {top:0;left:0;margin:0;padding:0;min-height:100%}

.layer {

.modal {display:none;z-index:1}



Answer №1

Remove the use of "overflow" from your code. Check out the link to Mozilla Developer Network docs for more information, but here's a quick summary:

"hidden Content is clipped to fit the padding box. No scrollbars are provided, and user scrolling is not supported (no dragging or scroll wheel). The content can be scrolled programmatically (e.g., by setting offsetLeft), making it a scroll container."

If you click Open and Close once, then try clicking Open again, the word Close won't appear. This happens because you're not using the .show() method to display the text when clicking Open. Here's an updated JavaScript snippet:



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