Switch over to using a for loop

I have a query regarding implementing multiple toggles within a for loop. For instance, I want a toggle menu to appear when clicking on a div.

Here is the code snippet:

for (var i = 0; i < myObjectString.length; i++) {
var obj = JSON.parse(myObjectString);
document.getElementById("endorsment").innerHTML += "<div id='endor'>\n\
        <div class='endo_"+ obj.Endorsment[i].lang + "' id='endo'>\n\
        <div id='count'>"+ obj.Endorsment[i].ln + "</div>\n\
        <div id='proglang'>"+ obj.Endorsment[i].lang +"</div>\n\
        <div class='contenthover_"+ obj.Endorsment[i].lang +"' id='contenthover'>\n\
        <a class='delete'>\n\
        <img src='http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/icojam/blue-bits/16/symbol-delete-icon.png' />\n\
        <span class='devider'>-</span>\n\
        <a class='mybutton'>\n\
        <img src='http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/custom-icon-design/flatastic-1/16/comment-icon.png' />\n\
        <span class='devider'>-</span>\n\
        <a class='mybutton'>\n\
        <img src='http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/icojam/blue-bits/16/information-icon.png' />\n\

    $('.endo_'+ obj.Endorsment[i].lang).click(function () {


For more details, please refer to this LINK. Can anyone assist me with this?

Answer №1

Instead of placing your click code inside the for loop, consider using pseudo query selectors which will streamline your work.

Utilize pseudo query selectors to simplify your code.

$("[class*='endo']").click(function () {    
    //perform actions here.

The next() selector targets the next sibling in the DOM. By creating a wrapper class, you can enhance your CSS styling. Refer to the provided fiddle for a better grasp.

If you eliminate the wrapper class, you may encounter display issues with "contenthover".

Check out your updated fiddle here.


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