Positioning a button to the right side of a card with Bootstrap v4 styling

I am new to Bootstrap and I decided to jump into using their v4 alpha version.

In the example below, I am attempting to align the 'Arrange a valuation' button (located near the bottom of the page) to the right while keeping the other text aligned to the left. Additionally, I need both the text and the button to be vertically centered.

Can anyone assist with this?

<div class="card card-block card-blue clearfix">
    <p class="card-text">Want to know how much rent you could achieve for your property?&nbsp;<a href="#" class="btn btn-blue-outline pull-right">Arrange a Valuation</a></p>

Answer №1

The most recent version of Bootstrap 4 (alpha 6) has replaced pull-right with float-right:

<div class="card card-block card-outline-primary">
    <p class="card-text>Want to find out the potential rental income for your property? &nbsp;
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-outline-primary float-right">Schedule a Valuation</a>

Answer №2

Include .pull-right in the a tag's class attribute.

<div class="box card content-block">
    <p class="content-text paragraph">Curious about the potential rental income for your property?&nbsp;<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary-outline pull-right">Schedule a Valuation</a></p>

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