One way to target a span inside a label element when a checkbox is checked using React Material UI createStyles is by using CSS selectors in combination with

I need help targeting the span element within a checkbox label in order to change its background color when the checkbox is checked.

<div className={classes.container}>
  <input type="checkbox" id="checkboxid" />
  <label className={classes.label} htmlFor="checkboxid">
    <span className={classes.labelText}>Target</span>

container: {
  '& input:checked': {
    '& label': {
      '& $labelText': {
         background: 'red'

Answer №1

When the label is not placed inside the input but is a sibling, you can utilize the CSS sibling selector +

In this particular scenario

const useSpanStyles = makeStyles({
    container: {
      '& input:checked + label': {
          '& span': {
              background: 'red'
    label: {},
    labelText: {}

export function ComponentXYZ(){

    const classes = useSpanStyles();

    return (
            <div className={classes.container}>
                <input type="checkbox" id="checkboxid" />
                <label className={classes.label} htmlFor="checkboxid">
                    <span className={classes.labelText}>Target</span>

To be honest with you, if you are using MUI you should've utilized their components as they provide an easier way to compose and build UI

Here's my recommendation

function ComponentXYZ(){

const [checked, setIsChecked] = useState(false);

const checkedHandler = useCallback(function _checkedHandler(event: any) {
}, []);

return (
                          <Typography style={{ background: checked ? 'red' : 'inherit' }}>
                              {'Label That change color'}


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