Box with decorative borders that adjust to different screen sizes

I need help creating a box with border lines separating different sections. After the H2 heading, I want a new border line followed by a paragraph. However, when I try using border-bottom:1px solid, the line does not reach the edges of the main border. Here is an image for reference: image

Here is my code:

<div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2" id="house">
  <h3 class="text">Our house packages include:</h3>

  <ul class="lead text" id="list">
    <li>Standard site costs (based on 500mm fall to site & ‘M’ Class slab)</li>
    <li>Rainwater Tank or connection to recycled water where available.</li>
    <li>Concrete driveway (up to 55sqm)</li>
    <li>Tiled Front Porch</li>
    <li>Internal Floor Coverings</li>
    <li>5+ star gas instantaneous HWS</li>
    <li>Wall & Ceiling insulation</li>
    <li>‘Classic’ range of inclusions</li>
  <img src="images/landing.jpg" alt="landing Image">
  <p class="note">NB. Please note that all packages are subject to developer and/or council and statutory authorities’ approvals.</p>


#house {
  border: 1px solid black;

#house h3 {
  border-bottom:1px solid;

#list {

#house img {

Please help me create border lines after the heading and after the list items as shown in the image provided. It should also be responsive. Thank you!

Answer №1

It seems like there might be a missing div tag in your code which is hindering the debugging process.

Here's an alternative approach to solving the issue:


    html { 
        background: #EEE;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        border: 0;
        text-align: center;
        padding: 40px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        color: #AAA;
        font-family: calibri;

        background: #FFF;
        border: 2px solid #DDD;
        width: 80%; /*SPECIFY WIDTH HERE*/
        display: inline-block;

    .heading {
        border-bottom: 2px solid #DDD;
        width: 100%; 
        padding: 20px; 
        text-size: 30px;
        font-size: 30px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        display: inline-block;

    .content {
        border-bottom: 2px solid #DDD;
        width: 100%;
        padding: 20px; 
        box-sizing: border-box;
        display: inline-block;

    .footer {
        width: 100%;
        padding: 20px; 
        box-sizing: border-box;
        display: inline-block;

    .myList {
        display: inline-block;
        text-align: left;
        padding: 10px;

    li {
        margin: 10px 0;

    .myImg {
        display: inline-block;
        padding: 10px;

    .houseImg {
        width: 300px;



    <div class='box'>
        <div class='heading'>
        Our house packages include:

        <div class='content'>
            <div class='myList'>
                 <ul class="lead text" id="list">
                    <li>Standard site costs (based on 500mm fall to site & 'M' Class slab)</li>
                    <li>Rainwater Tank or connection to recycled water where available.</li>
                    <li>Concrete driveway (up to 55sqm)</li>
                    <li>Tiled Front Porch</li>
                    <li> Internal Floor Coverings</li>
                    <li> 5+ star gas instantaneous HWS</li>
                    <li>Wall & Ceiling insulation</li>
                    <li>'Classic' range of inclusions</li>
            <div class='myImg'>
                <img src='' class='houseImg'>
        <div class='footer'>
            Some Footer text here

Answer №2

The issue with the h3 element not displaying as expected is due to the application of a margin: 10px;. This particular style rule creates a space of 10px around all sides of the h3 border, causing it to be pushed away from its parent element. To resolve this, simply remove the margin property and the border-bottom will function correctly.

Consider adding borders to all elements in order to visually comprehend how each CSS property impacts the layout of an element's box.

For more details, refer to the box model concept.

Explore W3C Box Model

Discover MDN Box Model

Answer №3

1- There seems to be some spacing inside the border rather than outside of it, as shown in this image. Consider using padding for h3 elements.

padding: 20px;

I have also corrected the list for you. Check it out on jsfiddle.

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