The use of Img align:left results in text overflowing in Internet Explorer

I'm experiencing a problem where the text overflows within a column when an inline image is aligned to the left or right. It may be difficult to explain, so I have set up a sample page at

This issue is specific to IE6 and IE7. Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

The backend is using fckeditor to generate these elements.

Answer №1

Ensure that the p tag encompasses the image so that other paragraphs are positioned both above and below it. Although I am unable to test it at the moment, typically I utilize overflow:hidden on the surrounding block (the paragraph) and for Internet Explorer, you may require something like zoom:1.

Additionally, is it possible to remove the inline 'align:left' and substitute it with CSS in an external style sheet like:

#center-column p img {
    float: none;       // if still necessary...
#wide_column p img {     // The ID of the wide column is unknown...
    float: left;

(I am unsure if the p selector is necessary; I am simply attempting to target the correct images without access to your code)

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