Pictures failing to load within the canvas

I am currently in the process of creating a very basic canvas element. The idea is to allow users to choose between two images and have their selection appear on the canvas when clicked. However, I am facing some challenges with making it work.

I have verified that the image names are correct.

Is there anyone who can offer assistance?

var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var selectedUtensil = document.getElementById("photos");

var tableclothColor="#ff0000"; 
function drawEverything(){


            if(selectedUtensil == "forkknife") {
            else if (selectedUtensil == "chopsticks") {

window.onload = function() {

function change() {
    tableclothColor = document.getElementById("tablecloth").value;

var plateImage = new Image(); 

var forkKnifeImage = new Image(); 

var chopsticksImage = new Image(); 
<div class="footer">

Answer №1

According to the code snippet you provided, the script is searching for an image named bord.jpg in the same directory as the HTML file.

var bordImage = new Image(); 

However, the images for mesvorkPlaatje and stokjesPlaatje are referenced in a subfolder.

var forkImage = new Image(); 

var chopsticksImage = new Image(); 

Do you have a subfolder named img/? Are the images located there?

p.s: It's advisable to use English in your code to avoid confusion for other developers who may work on your code.

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