"Looking to add some flair to your website with a

I am trying to figure out how to place a 30x30px no-repeat background image in the top left corner of a 200px by 200px div, positioned 120px from the left and 50px from the top. However, I also want to ensure that the text inside the div is displayed on top of the background image.

Despite my attempt at using the following code, it doesn't seem to work:

background:url(http://example.com/background-image.png) no-repeat 120px 50px;

Does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

Are you experiencing a specific issue with the image not displaying correctly? Is it failing to load altogether, or is it simply appearing in an unexpected location on the page? The problem does not seem to be related to CSS. To troubleshoot, try removing any positioning attributes and see if the image loads properly.

Answer №2

Start by opening the image using your preferred photo editing software.

Adjust the canvas size to 150 pixels by 80 pixels.

Position the image at the lower right corner and ensure that the rest of the canvas remains transparent with no background.

Save the file in either .png or .gif format while keeping the transparency setting turned ON.

Now you can insert the image as a background using background-image:url("example.com/img.png");

Following these steps should get you the desired result.

Answer №3

Here is a starting point for you to consider. If you encounter further issues, it would be beneficial for troubleshooting purposes if I could see the specific problem at hand. Potential causes may include an incorrect image path, interference from another element blocking the box, collapsing of the div itself (background images do not conform to the box model), or a conflicting CSS rule superseding the one you have defined.

<div style="width: 200px; height: 200px; font-size: 2em;
background: url(http://sstatic.net/so/img/logo.png)
no-repeat 120px 50px; border: 1px solid #f00;">
  lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum

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