Designing a webpage - patterns in the background and images layered on top

I've been tasked with creating a webpage that resembles a theatrical stage. The design calls for the following layout:

[curtain repeat][left curtain][stage][right curtain][curtain repeat]

The left curtain, stage, and right curtain should maintain a fixed width in the center of the screen. When the browser is resized horizontally, the outer "curtain repeats" must be anchored to their respective curtains but repeated outward. This will create an edge-to-edge curtain-stage-curtain effect.

Another challenge I need to tackle is making sure that the left and right curtains overlap the stage. If an element is positioned far to the right on the stage, part of the "right curtain" should cover it, giving the impression that the element is partially hidden behind the curtain.

I'm still exploring various CSS techniques, but this project is pushing my limits. Any assistance or guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer №1

Check out this simple design with no images, just background colors:


<div class="theatre">

    <div class="content">
        <div class="curtain left">left curtain</div>
        <div class="stage">stage!</div>
        <div class="curtain right">right curtain</div>



body, html{

    background:#369; /* customize the repeating curtain background here */

.theatre .content{ 
    margin: 30px auto;         

.content .curtain{ 

.content .left.curtain{ 

.content .right.curtain{ 

.content .stage{
    border-bottom:5px solid #000000; 

I placed all the content within a div using class .theatre for customization purposes. If not needed, you can remove it and use 'body' for your repeating background curtain. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck with your project! :)

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