Eliminating unnecessary CSS classes

There are multiple references to the specific ".wiki-content" class in the stylesheet:

    .wiki-content ul,.wiki-content ol,.wiki-content dl {

    .wiki-content a,.wiki-content a:link,.wiki-content a:visited {

    .wiki-content p,.wiki-content table,.view .wiki-content .cell:first-child,.content-preview .wiki-content .cell:first-child {

    .wiki-content table.confluenceTable {

However, there is only one reference to this class in the HTML code, within the body tag:

<body class="mceContentBody wiki-content fullsize">
There are no other references to this class in the rest of the HTML code - the p, li, ul, a tags do not have the .wiki-content class specified. When using the CSS Usage plugin, these .wiki-content CSS selectors are shown as legitimate and not "Unseen". Is it safe to remove the .wiki-content class from the CSS stylesheet? The page is generated by Atlassian Confluence Wiki system, but I am using a locally saved copy for offline use.

Answer №1

Make sure to check the parent element first; if it contains the specified class, then it is likely not safe to remove it.

<div class="wiki-content">

This CSS code snippet will style the UL element as shown below:

.wiki-content ul,.wiki-content ol,.wiki-content dl {

The selector .wiki-content ul indicates that the styles should be applied to any child UL elements within an element with the specified class.

Answer №2

Absolutely. If there are no instances of HTML elements with that particular class within your site or app, feel free to delete it as the CSS associated with it is not actively used. Nevertheless, I suggest utilizing your text editor's search function to verify its absence before making any changes.

However, it might be worth reaching out to the original author of the CSS if you did not create it yourself, in order to understand the rationale behind its implementation.

Answer №3

When tackling CSS issues, I typically start by making a copy of the stylesheet and then removing lines to test if there are any negative impacts on the webpage.

While it appears that the classes are being utilized based on CSS Usage data, just because they are present doesn't mean deleting them will have detrimental effects on your website.

Answer №4

Considering that the class pertains to the body, it is likely being utilized for page name-spacing purposes. It's possible that there are other non-wiki pages utilizing the same style sheet, but with distinct styles on the identical tag or class. Opting to namespace the whole page enables you to exclusively target the styles affiliated with .wiki-content - Just a hunch, but that could be what's unfolding here.

Ultimately, my suggestion would be to retain it as removing it might result in conflicting styles being generated.

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