Picture not displaying properly in alternative browsers

While working on a simple website using html and css, I encountered an issue where my logo was not displaying for users on different browsers. Here is the image description

Below is the HTML code:

 <section id="header">
    <div class="header container">
      <div class="nav-bar">
        <div class="brand">
          <a href="#hero">
              <img src="/original-logo.jpg" width="180px" height="80px" alt="">

Answer №1

It seems like there might be an issue with how the image path is defined, which could be causing the image to not show up properly.

For instance:

If the image is located in the same folder, you should include a period in front of the image name. For example:


<img src="./original-logo.jpg" width="180px" height="80px" alt="">

The number of periods may need to vary depending on the folder structure in order for the image to be accessed correctly.

Thank you

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