Comparing currency to double in handlebars: a comprehensive guide

I've been working with Handlebars.js and encountered an issue when trying to compare product prices above $35. The problem arises from the fact that prices are stored as "$54.99" which gets treated as 0 when compared to a number. How can I effectively compare these values?

Below is the current code I'm using:

{{#gt price.without_tax.formatted 34.99}}
  This item qualifies for free shipping!
  Not eligible for free shipping

Answer №1

To retrieve the numerical value, access the field using: price.without_tax.value

Switch to this instead of price.without_tax.formatted and it will function correctly.

Answer №2

The issue does not lie with the handlebars tool itself, but rather with the data being used for comparison, specifically in this instance price.without_tax.formatted.

If needed, you can follow steps provided in this response to convert the price appropriately: Converting a currency string to a double using jQuery or JavaScript. Nonetheless, it is advisable to keep the raw price (as a number) stored somewhere. Failure to do so might point towards an underlying flaw in the application design.

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