One particular page is having trouble loading CSS, whereas it loads perfectly fine on a different page

I have two pages, 403.html and 404.html, both of which need to load the same style.css file. Strangely, when I visit the 403.html page, the CSS loads perfectly fine. However, when I navigate to the 404.html page, even though it has identical code with only minor text changes, the CSS fails to load and the page appears as plain text. Both pages have the same path to the CSS file. Can anyone explain why this is happening?

Here is the structure of my folders:

|     404.html
|     403.html
|--   css
|        style.css
|        style-mobile.css
|        etc...

The addresses of the pages are as follows: will take you to the 403.html page. will take you to the 404.html page.

Answer №1

An error was found in your 404 page where the links are:


The correct links should be:


To resolve this issue in your HTML, update the code from:

<script src="js/skel.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/init.js"></script>


<script src="errors/js/skel.min.js"></script>
<script src="errors/js/init.js"></script>

By making these changes, you can fix the errors!

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