How can I force a variable width font to behave like a fixed width font in HTML?

Is there a method to emulate the appearance of a fixed-width font using a variable width font in HTML?

For instance, if I were to display the phrase "The quick grey fox jumped over the lazy dog" in "Courier New," a fixed-width font, it would appear wider than if it were in a variable width font like "Arial." I am interested in utilizing "Arial" while maintaining a fixed-width character spacing.

Example with variable width:
The quick grey fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Example with fixed width:

The quick grey fox jumped over the lazy dog

Observe the tight character spacing in the words "quick" and "grey" in both examples.

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you cannot solely rely on CSS. My suggestion would be to utilize the widely-used Lettering.js (jQuery is required) in order to wrap each character in span tags and then set a consistent width for all characters.

.monospace > span {
  display: inline-block; /* Enable widths */
  width: 1em;            /* Set width across all characters */
  text-align: center;    /* Even out spacing */

Test Case

Answer №2

One solution could involve wrapping each character in an HTML element and applying a specific styling to achieve the desired effect:

width: 8px;         /* Define fixed width */
display: block;     /* Ensure width is respected */
float: left;        /* Prevent one-per-line layout */
text-align: center; /* Center characters within the block */

While I am not well-versed in Flex, a potential implementation could entail using Javascript to automate the generation of these styled elements.

Answer №3

Although this question may be old, one recommendation is to explore different fixed-width fonts that are suitable for web use and have the desired features. Personally, I am fond of Inconsolata as an example.

To begin your search, consider visiting Google Fonts and deselecting all categories except for Monospace.

Answer №4

To achieve your desired result, consider utilizing the letter-spacing CSS property. Monospace fonts, unlike serif or sans-serif, have consistent character width. Refer to the W3C Reference for more information on using letter-spacing effectively.

Answer №5

Using proportional fonts for this purpose may not yield the best result.

However, you can create the effect by wrapping individual characters in span tags:

body {
  font: normal 100%/1.5 Arial;

span {
  outline: 1px dotted darkred;
span:nth-of-type(even) {
  outline-color: blue;

.w-fixed span {
  display: inline-block;
  min-width: 1em;

I have added visual outlines to help visualize the spacing and used min-width instead of width.
This method may pose accessibility challenges for individuals using screen readers, as each letter wrapped in a span will be read out individually:


















(pun intended)

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