Navigational strip within the grid

My grid has a size of 300px. When there are more than 10 records, a vertical scroll bar appears, which is fine. However, at the same time, a horizontal scroll bar also appears, which I do not want to display. My CSS class for vertical scrolling is:

.vstyle {

If I use the following CSS class for horizontal scrolling:


The horizontal scroll bar does not appear. But if I minimize the browser window, the horizontal scroll bar still does not appear due to the CSS. I need the horizontal scroll bar to be displayed even when the browser window is minimized. Any suggestions on how to achieve this would be helpful.

Answer №1

If you find that your content is not scrolling properly on smaller devices or when the screen width decreases, you may need to implement a CSS @media rule. You can achieve this by adding the following CSS code snippet:

@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {
       overflow-x: auto !important;

Simply adjust the max-width value to suit your requirements for enabling scrolling again. I hope this solution proves useful for you.

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