Align the UL in HTML to be on the same line as other spans

When examining this jsFiddle demonstration at the following link:

The UL tag showcases a star rating, with accompanying text displayed on the line below it.

Is there a method to have everything appear on a single line?

Appreciate any assistance!

Answer №1

To align elements to the left in your class, simply add float: left;


You can view an example in this fiddle:

Answer №2

To achieve the desired behavior, consider adding display: inline-block to your unordered list or any other element you wish to behave in that way. Another option is to float the element, but using inline-block likely best represents the intended outcome with minimal effort. The goal is to display the element inline while having it act like a block element within its display box (hence why inline-block is preferred over inline).

It might be beneficial to adjust your overall markup structure. As mentioned by others, nesting a SPAN inside a UL is not valid. Additionally, your current structure appears to be quite complex and could potentially be simplified by using fewer elements.

Answer №3

To start, it is important to remove the <span> surrounding the <ul> because it is not allowed. Placing a block-level element within an inline-level element is not valid.

Next, apply styling to the <ul> using either

  • display:inline-block
  • float:left

Answer №4

To give the ul with class any-rating a display style of inline-block, you can use the following CSS code:

ul.any-rating {
  display: inline-block;

You can view the demonstration on this fiddle:

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