Transferring Information between a Pair of Controllers

Currently, I am utilizing angular version 1.x and faced with the challenge of sharing data between two controllers.

In my mainctrl, I am working with the above model. The radiotmplt.radiohead=='IRU600v3' is utilized in firstctrl. Unfortunately, I have tried using rootscope to share the data without success. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Check out the demonstration on how to share data using RootScope

Visit this Jsfiddle link


  var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

  app.controller('ctrl1', function($scope, $rootScope) {
    $ = 'data';
    $rootScope.data1 = 'old data';
    $scope.setVal = function() {
      $rootScope.data1 = 'new data';

  app.controller('ctrl2', function($scope, $rootScope) {
    $ = $rootScope.data1;
    $scope.$watch('data1', function(o, n) {

      $ = $rootScope.data1;



  <div ng-app='myApp'>
    <div ng-controller='ctrl1'>
      controller 1
      <input type='text' ng-model='data'>
      <button ng-click='setVal()'>
    <div ng-controller='ctrl2'>
      controller 2
      <input type='text' ng-model='data'>


I hope you find this helpful

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