Navigation drop-down extending beyond the boundaries of the screen

On the right side of react-bootstrap's Navbar, there is a Dropdown menu:

<Nav className="container-fluid justify-content-end">
  <NavDropdown alignRight title="Dropdown" flip>
    <NavDropdown.Item href="#action/1">Apply Coupon</NavDropdown.Item>
    <NavDropdown.Item href="#action/2">Change Password</NavDropdown.Item>
    <NavDropdown.Divider />
    <NavDropdown.Item href="#action/4">Logout</NavDropdown.Item>

Despite following suggestions like using alignRight and flip, the items in my dropdown menu are overflowing:

I am currently using bootstrap 5.1.1 and react-bootstrap 1.6.3. How can I address this overflow issue?

UPDATE: The menu displays correctly in the sandbox environment, but it overflows in all browsers I have tested (Opera, Chrome, Firefox). I have raised an issue. In the meantime, I would appreciate any temporary workarounds.

Answer №1

I encountered a similar problem. The property align helped resolve the alignment issue.

Here is an example:

<NavDropdown align="end" title="Alignment">...</NavDoropdown>

My current setup includes react-bootstrap 2.1.1 and Bootstrap 5.1.3

Answer №2

After considering the advice of @JiříVítek, I have decided to rearrange my code by importing my styles.css prior to importing react-bootstrap. This adjustment is reflected in the following snippet:

.dropdown-menu {
  right: 0;

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