modify the inherent CSS property

I am working with a component that I have inherited, including its CSS style, and I need to modify one of its properties.

Current CSS:

.captcha-main-image {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;
<img class ="captcha-main-image" id="captchaImage" src="">

I want to change the width value. This element is generated by another source and I cannot request the developer to make changes. Is there any way I can achieve this using !important?

Answer №1

Due to the view isolation feature of Angular, overriding styles can only be done by adding them to the main stylesheet of your application.

To override a style in your application's main scss file (styles.css), which is specified in angular.json, include the following code:

.captcha-main-image {
   width: <your-value>

Using !important is generally not necessary. Add it only if needed.

Answer №2

To alter a class within a component, you can use the !important declaration for overriding. If you need to modify the CSS outside of that component, utilizing ::ng-deep .captcha-main-image will do the trick.

Answer №3

To restrict the width, simply apply a class with a max-width property like this:

.image-container {
   max-width: 200px;

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