Is there a way to prevent this <li> tag from collapsing?

Yellow is currently the color of <li> elements that are children of <ul>. However, if I apply either a float or display property to the <li> or <ul>, the appearance changes.

The pink colored <li> elements which are nested inside another <ul> will change their appearance like this: link

<ul class="top_nav">

    <ul class="sub_nav">
      <li>name1 icnkdn ndkcnks kkncksn </li>



.top_nav > li  {
  padding:1em 2em;


.sub_nav  li{
  padding:1em 3em;

Visit this link for more information

Answer №1

The issue with your .sub_nav is caused by the use of position: absolute;, which is collapsing the <li> element. By removing this property, everything will be back to normal.

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