Tips for adjusting the size and positioning the ng bootstrap carousel in the center

My Angular project is using ng bootstrap, but I'm facing a styling issue. The content doesn't display in the center, rather it appears in the upper left corner:


I would like the content to be centered and wide under the blue headbar.

While trying to use CSS for this, the only close result I achieved was by manually setting the image width and height with:

style="width: 100%; height: 877px"

However, I believe there must be a better solution out there.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?


    <div class="carouselCont">
    <ngb-carousel *ngIf="top10">
          <ng-template *ngFor="let film of top10.items" ngbSlide >
          <div class="picsum-img-wrapper" (click)="onClick(film)">
            <img src="{{film.image}}" alt="Random first slide" style="width: 100%; height: 877px"/>
          <div class="carousel-caption" (click)="onClick(film)">
            <h3>{{film.rank}} - {{film.title}}</h3>

Answer №1

The ngb-carousel is set to 100% width by default, but you can customize it using CSS:


You can also dynamically adjust the max-width based on the first image loaded:

<ngb-carousel *ngIf="images" [style.max-width.px]="width">
  <ng-template ngbSlide>
        <div class="picsum-img-wrapper">
            <img #img [src]="images[1]" alt="Random second slide"
             (load)="setWidth($" />

Make sure to define the width and set it accordingly when the image loads:


(Remember to include margin:auto in your CSS)

Check out the code example on stackblitz

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