Chrome DevTools automatically translates all HEX color codes into their corresponding RGB values

Chrome DevTools now automatically converts all HEX colors to RGB values, even if the color is set in CSS or using DevTools. Is there a way to prevent this conversion?

I know about the method of holding down Shift + clicking the color icon to convert colors to other formats, but I find it inconvenient. Does anyone have a solution to stop Chrome DevTools from automatically converting HEX colors to RGB?

Answer №1

First, start by clicking on the gear icon

Next, proceed to change the Color format

Here is the original answer

To begin, open the DevTools panel in Chrome by visiting this link

Then, click on the icon with 3 dots located at the far right corner. Select "Settings" and navigate to the "Preferences" panel. Locate "Elements > Color format" and choose your desired option. The default is "As authored".

Answer №2

Updated information for Chrome version 114.0.5735.199 (July 2023).

  1. When you hover your mouse over a color in DevTools, you'll see a hint to Shift-click.

  2. Next, Shift-click on the color and choose the desired color format.

  3. Finally, select and copy the value in the selected format.

Answer №3

By simply clicking on the up or down arrows ↕, users will have access to various color formats for selection. Alternatively, holding down the shift key while clicking on the color palette will also allow them to choose a different format.

Answer №4

Unfortunately, none of the mentioned browsers (Chrome/Brave/Edge) provide a positive solution. However, if you are using a Mac, Safari is an alternative that allows you to view the HEX codes below.

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