Modify the background on "onfocus" event and make other tweaks

I'm trying to modify a script that includes the following code snippet:

<input type="text" name="name" value="Joe Bloggs" onfocus="this.value=''"/>

Is it possible to change the background of the text field and make other modifications using similar methods as


Additionally, I am looking for a way to enhance the above script so that the default text reappears when the user deselects the field. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Experts recommend keeping styling separate from logic in web development.

To achieve this, you can utilize the :focus pseudo-class in CSS. However, please note that this method may not be supported in IE7 or earlier versions. In such cases, adding a class to the <input> element using JavaScript can achieve a similar result.


input:focus, input.focus {background:#ff0}

If you are working with jQuery, the following code demonstrates how you can implement this functionality:


Answer №2

Consider the following approach:

onfocus="this.value='';'#f00'" onblur="'white'"

This method can help achieve the desired outcome, although it may not be the most elegant solution as it could conflict with existing styles defined elsewhere. It's advisable to explore better practices for implementing such functionality.

Another option is to toggle a specific class on the element when it gains or loses focus, as suggested. Additionally, utilizing jQuery for this purpose can greatly enhance your JavaScript development experience.

If opting for jQuery, you can use code similar to the following:

$('input').focus(function() { $(this).addClass('focus') });
$('input').blur(function() { $(this).removeClass('focus') });

By doing so, you can neatly define the visual appearance of focused inputs using CSS. Make sure to refer to the jQuery documentation for additional details on how to implement this effectively.

Answer №3"name" onfocus = "javascript:yourFunction();"...

If you implement this JavaScript code:

var inputField = document.getElementById('name');<br/>
var originalValue = inputField.value;<br>
var temporaryValue = "";<br/>

function yourFunction(){

inputField.value = temporaryValue;<br/>
inputField.className = "test" //(building from the first answer)<br/>
//perform other actions...<br/>


You can also include an onblur="javascript:anotherFunction();" where anotherFunction() restores inputField.value to the original value.

Keep in mind that it is recommended to avoid global variables and use event listeners for onblur and onfocus rather than inline functions. However, initially, try running this code as is to see if it meets your needs...

Answer №4

To enhance your event, add the specified class name...

el.className+= 'test'

Afterwards, apply a background style to that class in your CSS.

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