Injecting CSS into a dynamically created element within a Polymer component using jQuery

Having an issue when trying to add a CSS class to a jQuery created element within a Polymer component.

The code for the Polymer component is as follows:

<dom-module id="image-add">


    .image {
        height: 100%; 


    <div id = "container">

        is: "image-add",
        properties: {
            images_to_add: {
                type: Array

            var shadowRoot = this.shadowRoot || this;
            var container = $(shadowRoot).find('#container');

            var new_image = $("<div></div>")
            new_image.css({"background-image":"url('" + this.images_to_slide[1] + "')"})



I am passing an array of images into the Polymer component, which I use to set as the background image of a dynamically added div using jQuery. Although jQuery successfully adds the class "image" to the dynamically created div, the effects of the class are not visible. The div does not adjust its height to 100%. Even after inspecting the div, the class is present but no changes are seen.

Why isn't the class affecting the dynamically generated div? It seems like there might be an issue related to Polymer since this should normally work without any problems.

NOTE: It's crucial that I can dynamically generate these divs at any given time. Also, the background image style is already being applied correctly.

Answer ā„–1

You can achieve the same result without using jQuery by utilizing pure polymer and the

<template is="dom-repeat">
tag. This approach is more declarative and aligns better with the polymer philosophy, utilizing the native <img> tag. Additionally, it requires fewer lines of code. Below is a functional example featuring some charming kittens.

<dom-module id="image-add">

    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{imageUrls}}" as="imageUrl">
      <img id="{{calcImageId(index)}}" src="{{imageUrl}}">

      is: "image-add",
      properties: {
        imageUrls: {
          type: Array,
          value: function() {
            return [
      calcImageId: function(index) {
        return 'image_' + index;


By following this method, dynamically adding another kitten becomes effortless.

document.querySelector('image-add').push('imageUrls', '')

With just a simple step, behold our third adorable kitten.

Answer ā„–2

Here is a possible solution:

        is: "image-add",
        properties: {
            images_to_add: {
                type: Array

            var shadowRoot = this.shadowRoot || this;
            var container = $(shadowRoot).find('#container');

            var new_image = $("<div>")
            new_image.attr("style","background-image:url('" + this.images_to_slide[1] + "')"); // by doing this, you add inline style to the newly generated div


I hope this helps solve your issue.

Answer ā„–3

It appears that to create the element, you must use the following code:


Next, you need to assign it to a variable like this:

var new_element = document.createElement('div');

After that, you can manipulate it with jQuery by adding classes and styles:

var new_element = document.createElement('div');
$(new_element).attr("id","image_1").addClass("image animating").css({"background-image":"url('" + this.images_to_display[current_image_index] + "')"});

Once you have set up the classes, you can add the element to the Polymer DOM for them to take effect:

var new_element = document.createElement('div');
$(toPlaceInDom).attr("id","image_1").addClass("image animating").css({"background-image":"url('" + this.images_to_display[current_image_index] + "')"});

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