Tips for utilizing fontawesome effectively in a select menu

I'm having trouble displaying fontawesome icons in a select element, as they do not appear correctly in the drop-down list.

.FontAwesomeSelect {
    font-family: Font Awesome\ 5 Free;
    font-size: 18px;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<select name="sample" id="sample" class="FontAwesomeSelect">
<option value="">----</option>
<option value="fa fa-address-card">&#xf2bb;</option>
<option value="fa fa-bell">&#xf0f3;</option>
<option value="fa fa-bookmark">&#xf02e;</option>
<option value="fa fa-building">&#xf1ad;</option>

Answer №1

Instead of using the FontAwesomeSelect class, you can utilize the default fa class.

<select name="sample" id="sample" class="fa">
        <option value="">----</option>
        <option value="fa fa-address-card">&#xf2bb;</option>
        <option value="fa fa-bell">&#xf0f3;</option>
        <option value="fa fa-bookmark">&#xf02e;</option>
        <option value="fa fa-building">&#xf1ad;</option>

Fiddle :

Take note of what is included in this class:

If it's still not functioning as expected, you can try the following:

.fa option {

    font-weight: 900;

Answer №2

After studying the example provided, I implemented the following changes:

<select name="sample" id="sample" class="fa">
    <option value="">----</option>
    <option value="fa fa-address-card">&#xf2bb;</option>
    <option value="fa fa-bell">&#xf0f3;</option>
    <option value="fa fa-bookmark">&#xf02e;</option>
    <option value="fa fa-building">&#xf1ad;</option>

I also included this custom CSS code:

select.form-control.fa option{ font-weight: 900; }

This implementation is compatible with Font Awesome version 5.6.3

Answer №3

    .fa option {
    font-weight: 900;

Subsequently, the choices may appear as follows:

<option class="fa" value="select_value">&#xf0f3; Title of Selection</option>

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