Is there a way to use a Google Chrome command line switch to simulate the dimensions of a

Seeking information on the available Google Chrome command line switches for emulating device sizes. Specifically, I need to test a component that utilizes CSS @media queries for min-device-width/min-device-height. Previous attempts with --window-size and --user-agent have been unsuccessful. My goal is to create a webdriver test for this particular component.

Answer №1

If you're trying to modify your browser settings, there are a few switches that could help with that like --window-size, --user-agent, and --use-mobile-user-agent. For a comprehensive list of available switches, check out this resource. Additionally, you may be interested in learning how to save these settings as a new app from this article.

If you're specifically looking for a way to activate the chrome mobile emulation tool through command line, webdriver, or karma, it appears that according to some sources including information shared by the chromium team, this option does not currently exist. However, there has been a request for this feature which you can show support for here.

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