Adjustable dimensions and proportions for the following image

I'm currently working on a blog page using next.js and I've encountered an issue with displaying images. Each post has a main image of varying dimensions and aspect ratios, making it difficult to maintain consistency when scaling for smaller screens without setting a fixed height.

Using a fixed height container with the 'fill' property distorts the images, as seen in the first example below with the next/image component. The second example uses a plain img tag, but I would like the next/image component to adapt like the img tag does with dynamic images.

My goal is to keep each image's original aspect ratio while allowing them to vary without locking all images into the same aspect ratio. Is this achievable without violating next.js' rule on layout shift?

Code snippet for next/image:

<div className="container relative imageContainer rounded-lg mb-4 overflow-hidden max-w-7xl">

CSS for imageContainer:

.imageContainer {
    height: 30rem;

Code snippet for img tag:

    className="rounded-lg mb-4 "

Answer №1

One of the primary objectives of utilizing next/image is centered around performance, particularly in addressing CLS issues by always specifying dimensions.

You have several options available to you.

Option 1 - Utilize local images

If your blog images are stored alongside the source code in an /assets directory, you can import and use them without needing specific width or height values, allowing them to maintain their original dimensions (source documentation)

import localImage from './assets/some-local-image.png'

function ExampleComponent() {
  return (
      alt="local image"

Option 2 - Implement getStaticProps + probe-image-size

If you are reusing a generic component such as <Post />, you can dynamically fetch image dimensions server-side using getStaticProps and pass them as props to the component. While this may introduce a slight performance overhead on the server side, it should not be significant if image regeneration is infrequent.

import probe from 'probe-image-size'

function ExampleComponent(props) {
  return (

export async function getStaticProps() {
  // Path may be derived from a route parameter
  const imgPath = '/public/some-path.png'  

  const img = fs.createReadStream(path.join(process.cwd(), imgPath))

  // Retrieve image dimensions
  const probedImg = await probe(img)

  return {
    props: {
      img: {
        width: probedImg.width,
        height: probedImg.height,
        src: imgPath,
        alt: 'some dynamic alt attribute'

Option 3 - Leverage an image CDN

Many image CDNs offer image transformation capabilities and provide attributes like width, height, and source. These features can be integrated with a custom Next.js loader.

Option 4 - Use the standard <img /> HTML tag

If none of the aforementioned solutions meet your requirements, resorting to the native image tag might be suitable if image optimization is not a critical concern. This should not conflict with other <Image /> instances in your Next.js page.

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