Finding the correct tablet browser resolution for optimal web design

Is there a way to accurately determine the browser resolution for CSS on Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 or other tablets?

Despite the specifications stating that the resolution is 1920 x 1200, I am having trouble finding the correct resolution online. As I have designed an application that needs to run smoothly on various Samsung Galaxy tablets, I want to utilize a testing tool in the browser to ensure optimal performance.

My objective is to integrate this information into my Chrome developer console effectively.

For more details on specs:

Answer №1

One cost-effective way to determine your device's web browser resolution is by checking its viewport dimension.

Although there are numerous apps available for this purpose, a simple website like can provide you with the necessary information. This website also offers comparisons with other devices in case you do not have access to the device in question.

Based on my understanding, the Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 should have a resolution of 800 x 1280 for CSS media queries.

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