Set the height of the unordered list (ul) to be

I came across a design on Facebook that resembles a timeline, but I am having trouble adjusting the height of the ul element.

<ul class="timeline">...</ul>

I want the line in the middle to fill the height of the page even when there is less content present.

My goal is to make sure the 'line' fills the remaining height of the page.

.timeline:before {
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
position: absolute;
content: " ";
width: 3px;
background-color: #eeeeee;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -1.5px;

Adding 'height:100%;' to .timeline doesn't seem to solve the issue.

To experiment with this further, I have created a fiddle:

Answer №1

Check out the Fiddle here

The issue lies in the fact that your .container element does not have a height:100% set, causing the <ul> element to appear as if it is not filling all available space. In reality, it is just that the height of your .container and <ul> elements are the same.

In the provided fiddle, the body tag also shares the same height as the .container element. To visualize this better, try applying these styles in your fiddle:

html, body, .container, ul.timeline

Answer №2

To fix the excessive margin coming from the bootstrap.css file, simply add the following CSS:

div.container > {

For a visual representation, you can view this fiddle:

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