Minimize the gap between two rows in an HTML table

I am working with a table that has multiple rows, specifically five. My goal is to decrease the space between the third and fourth rows.

Here is the code snippet:

        <td>First Row</td>
        <td>Second Row</td>
        <td>Third Row</td>
        <td>Fourth Row</td>

The output currently looks like this:

First 1

Second 2

Third 3

Fourth 4

I would like to eliminate the gap between the third and fourth rows as shown below:

First 1

Second 2

Third 3
Fourth 4

Is there a way to set the padding between the third and fourth row to 0 only? This would help reduce the gap between those specific rows.

Answer №1

One thing to keep in mind is that the space can actually be reduced by collapsing the borders of the table:

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;

You might want to consider a technique similar to what Jukka K. Korpela advises, where you set padding on all elements except for the last child tr by using a combination of the :not()/:last-child pseudo classes.


tr:not(:last-child) td {
    padding-top: 1em;

The example above is specific to your current situation, but it might not target the last element. In such cases, you could employ the :nth-child() pseudo class to focus on the desired element.


tr td {
    padding-top: 1em;
tr:nth-child(4) td {
    padding-top: 0;

This method demonstrates its effectiveness when dealing with multiple elements:

Answer №2

When creating a table in HTML without any special settings, there will be a small gap between the rows by default. However, if you want to eliminate this gap completely, you can achieve it by using the following code:

<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>

After that, you can set the padding as per your requirement using CSS on individual cells. For example:

tr:not(:last-child) td { padding-top: 4px }

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