If other options fail, Else If may not be a suitable choice

This is the process: switching from Issue: x==0||1 to x==0||x==1 etc.

This code runs from an .html file

<div class="" id="pimg1">
      var x=new Date().getMonth();
     if (x == 0||x == 5||x == 2){document.getElementById('pimg1').className='pimg1';}
      if (x == 3||x == 4){document.getElementById('pimg1').className="pimg1a";}
      if (x == 6||x == 7||x == 8){document.getElementById('pimg1').className='pimg1b';}
      else                            {document.getElementById('pimg1').className='pimg1c';}

External css:

   background-image: url('images/style1.jpg');/*Zone 1*/}
 background-image: url('images/style2.jpg');/*Zone 1*/}
background-image: url('images/style3.jpg');/*Zone 1*/}
background-image: url('images/style4.jpg');/*Zone 1*/}

Answer №1

It is important to remember to enclose your javascript code within <script></script> tags as it will not execute properly within an html <div></div> tag.

Instead of using x == 0||9||2, make sure to use x == 0 || x == 9 || x == 2.

For better readability, always indent your code properly. The || operator checks for conditions on both the left and right sides. Numbers like 9 and 2 are not conditions. By using x == 9 || x == 2, you're instructing the system to evaluate the condition on the left first, and if that's false, then check the one on the right. If either condition is true, the code will proceed accordingly.

Answer №2

In order to avoid using CSS within the <script> tag, it is important to remove the <script> tag from the <div> tag as shown below:


    .pimg1 {
      background-image: url('images/style1.jpg');
      /*Zone 1*/
    .pimg1a {
      background-image: url('images/style2.jpg');
      /*Zone 1*/
    .pimg1b {
      background-image: url('images/style3.jpg');
      /*Zone 1*/
    .pimg1c {
      background-image: url('images/style4.jpg');
      /*Zone 1*/

  <div class="" id="pimg1"></div>
    var x = new Date().getMonth();
    if (x == 0 || x == 9 || x == 2) {
      document.getElementById('pimg1').className = 'pimg1';
    } else if (x == 3 || x == 5) {
      document.getElementById('pimg1').className = "pimg1a";
    } else if (x == 6 || x == 1 || x == 8) {
      document.getElementById('pimg1').className = 'pimg1b';
    } else {
      document.getElementById('pimg1').className = 'pimg1c';


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