Mastering the Material-UI Grid in SPAs: Conquering the Negative Margin Dilemma

While attempting to build a single page application (SPA), I've encountered an issue with using the Grid component from material-ui. Normally, I rely heavily on the Grid, but in this new project, something seems amiss.

The current problem is evident in the image below:

This results in an unwanted margin on the right side along with a pesky horizontal scrollbar.

I understand the negative margin constraint, and following the documentation's advice of applying padding to the parent element does remove the horizontal scrollbar, but it hinders the full-width functionality of my Grid:

Removing the horizontal scrollbar creates a padding on the elements, making it difficult to set a background color that applies to the entire width without any padding.

Adding overflow-x: hidden introduces a secondary vertical scrollbar that necessitates double vertical scrolling to navigate the page.

Setting Grid spacing={0} eliminates the problematic scrollbar, but sacrifices the desired spacing between sections and disables the use of spacing for containers within those sections.

You can see an example of what I'm working on in this codesandbox:

My question is, what would be the optimal solution to create a seamless single-page layout with distinct sections, preferably leveraging one of the material-ui components?

Thank you!

Answer №1

To eliminate the horizontal scrollbar and margins, include this code in the root style. Material UI incorporates extra elements to achieve its styling, so it's recommended to utilize developer tools to identify any potential conflicts with your CSS rules. In this scenario, the div below the root element required its margin to be removed and expanded to full width.

root: {
  display: "flex",
  flexGrow: 1,
  "& > div": {
    width: "100vw",
    margin: "0"

You may want to explore more about the MUI styles API and how to effectively use nested styles and rules.

Answer №2

Check out MUI React Grid as it implements negative margin to the flex items when using the "spacing" prop. This is done to ensure that the total width of the items and gaps is less than the width of the flex container.

However, this approach can lead to some additional complexities in your project, like having a calculated CSS width exceeding 100%, for instance width: calc(100% + 24px).

If possible, consider avoiding MUI React Grid altogether. Instead, try utilizing CSS flexbox and create your own layout with the Box component. It's worth noting that MUI React Grid is built on top of flexbox. In my opinion, in most cases, using flexbox directly provides more control and reduces unexpected behavior.

I've developed a function that calculates the flex basis similar to MUI React Grid's 12-column system. For example, a grid item labeled as 4 corresponds to 33.33% width. You can use a simple function to adjust the width of flex items by considering the number of gaps (which returns the flex-basis string value):

export const calculateFlexBasisWithGap = (gapSizePx: number, totalItemsPerRow: number) => {
  const numberOfGaps = totalItemsPerRow - 1;
  const totalGapSpace = numberOfGaps * gapSizePx;
  const itemPercentage = 100 / totalItemsPerRow;
  const pxToReducePerItem = totalGapSpace / totalItemsPerRow;

  return `calc(${itemPercentage}% - ${pxToReducePerItem}px)`;

I hope you find this information useful.

Kind regards, M.

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