Trouble with Chrome's CSS making table cell display as block

After searching, I stumbled upon this question that appeared to have the solution I needed. Surprisingly, even when using chrome 32.0.1700.102, the fiddle provided in the first answer worked perfectly for me.

However, when I copied the HTML code into a new file and loaded it in chrome, the "computed styles" tab of the tds still displayed display:table-cell;:

            #block td {
                display: block;
                background: #ccc;

        <table id="block">

In contrast, when I viewed this in Firefox, it showed the desired outcome:

Take a look at the screenshot from Chrome which demonstrates how the display:block rule is visible in the style tab but display:table-cell appears in the computed tab:

Answer №1

The absence of a declared DOCTYPE in the document may result in Chrome overriding the display: block; with display: table-cell;

This is why it appears to work on JS Fiddle, as they have a doctype declared.

To resolve this issue, make sure to include <!DOCTYPE html> at the beginning of your document before the <html> tag.

Answer №2

My standard practice is to always define the doctype, however, I recently encountered a problem after updating Chrome to version 45.0.2454.85 in my responsive design. The issue arose when the table cells appeared as a mixture of table-cell and table-row after resizing the browser at responsive breakpoints or switching between portrait and landscape modes. This unusual behavior only occurred when there were more than two table cells present.

To resolve this issue, I made a simple adjustment in the containing table row tr by setting it to display:table-cell.

table.classname tr { display:table-cell !important; }
table.classname td { display:block; width:100% !important; }

Answer №3

In my gallery design situation, I opted to use the CSS property display: block; instead of relying on a traditional table layout with HP-generated code.

Although neither display: block; nor display: table-cell worked for me (since there was no actual table in place), I found that using display: table; proved to be the perfect solution.

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