Create another div for the remaining vertical space occupied by the sibling div?

I currently have 3 different divs nested within each other:

 <div class="a">

    <div class="b">
    <div class="c">


Here is the current CSS styling applied to these divs:

  border:solid 2px red;

  border:solid 3px blue;
  border:dashed 3px gray;

The red div's height is determined dynamically via JavaScript (when the document is ready). (It represents a popup window whose height should be proportionate to the user's screen size.)

The blue div has a fixed height (representing a title).

  • Question/Problem :

Is there any CSS solution to make the gray div's height take up the remaining space available (below the red div)

so that it appears like this:

Click here for the test fiddle.


Supported browsers: IE 8+

Answer №1

Check out this Demo

  position: relative;

  position: absolute;
  top: 100px;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;

Answer №2

I often ponder why users make a decision on an answer so quickly...!?

While absolute positioning is certainly an option, it can sometimes cause issues with the normal flow of elements.

In this scenario, there is another alternative: using display: table(-xyz);

All you need to do is specify the width and height of the outer container/ wrapper element - check here:



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