Master the Flexbox Technique to Automatically Scroll to the End

I am currently working on a Chat UI that needs to function consistently across various browsers. The main issue I am facing is the inability to keep the chat-body div scrolled to the bottom when the page loads or when new messages are added.

Even after checking the scrollTop property of the chat-body div using JavaScript, it constantly returns a value of 0, regardless of the actual scroll position. This rules out using JavaScript as a solution, which was my preferred approach anyways.

What would be the best way to ensure that this div remains scrolled to the bottom at all times?

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Answer №1

Based on the demonstration, it appears that the scrollable div is actually identified as .chat-content instead of .chat-body.

In order to ensure accuracy, you will need to monitor the scroll position for the correct div. For future reference, consider adding a method that executes during the mounted() lifecycle:

new Vue({
  el: '#app',

  data: {...},

  mounted() {

  methods: {
      var cBody = document.querySelector('.chat-content');
      cBody.scrollTop = 99999999; // using an arbitrary or calculated value to reach the end of the div

    watchScroll() {
      var cBody = document.querySelector('.chat-content');
      // monitor the scroll position of the content area
      cBody.addEventListener('scroll', function(){
        console.log('scroll', cBody.scrollTop);

    stubMessages() {...},

    addMessage() {...}

Answer №2

In this section, I have implemented a new function named scrollDown, which is responsible for scrolling down the chat window whenever a new message is added. This function is then called within the addMessage() method.

methods: {

scrollDown() {
    var chatWindow = document.querySelectorAll('.chat-content')[0];
    chatWindow.scrollTop = chatWindow.scrollHeight;
  sampleMessages() {...

  addMessage() {
      text: this.message,
      time: moment()
    this.message = '';




Answer №3

The solution was a collaboration between the insights shared by dommmm and thamizhanda. To resolve the issue, I implemented a new method and called it within both the addMessage() and mounted() functions.

scrollToBottom(force) {
  this.$nextTick(function () {
    let chat = document.getElementById('chat');
    let shouldScroll = chat.scrollHeight - chat.clientHeight <= chat.scrollTop + 1;

    if (force || shouldScroll) {
      chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight - chat.clientHeight;

See Demo Here

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