Tips on preventing jquery ui tooltip from appearing within a child div

Is there a way to include a tooltip only in the parent div and not in its child div?
I am currently using jQuery UI tooltip like this:

$(function () {

This is how the HTML looks:

<div id="parent_div" title="Hello Tooltip">
    parent div contents
    <div id="child_div" onMouseOver="show_list();" onMouseOut="hide_list();" title="">
    child div contents
    parent div contents

The issue arises when I give a blank title property (title="") to the child_div. This disables the tooltip from the parent_div after hovering over the child_div.
You can see and test the problem HERE.

I need a solution where the onMouseOver and onMouseOut events are not disabled, as they serve another purpose in the child_div.

Thank you for your help.

Answer №1

If you want to turn off the tooltip when hovering over a child element, and then enable it when moving the mouse away from the child, you can use the following JavaScript code:



$(function () {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="parent_div" title="Hello Tooltip">
    parent div contents
    <div id="child_div" title="">
    child div contents
    parent div contents

Answer №2

attempt to substitute the following:

<div id="child_div" onMouseOver="show_list();" onMouseOut="hide_list();" title="">

with the following:

<div id="child_div" onMouseOver="show_list();" onMouseOut="hide_list();">

Answer №3

Here is my solution. I believe this approach will be helpful for everyone.

$(function () {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="container" title="Hello Tooltip">
    parent div contents
    <div id="sub_container" title="">
    child div contents
    parent div contents

Answer №4

This is the approach I came up with:

    content: function(){
        return $(this).not("#MY_ELEMENT *[title]").attr('title');

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