The problem with "em" in CSS: preventing it from scaling based on the font-size of a particular element

My website predominantly utilizes "em" for design over "px," which is meant to be more compatible with modern browsers.

Most of the text is set at font-size:1em, where 1em equals 16px as a default without specific specification.

However, there are sections with different font sizes like 1.2em and 0.8em (e.g., for H1 or small buttons).

The challenge with using "em" is that it adjusts all element sizes (margin, padding, height, etc.) based on the font size.

In my CSS, I have defined:

/* Reset */
html [along with other elements] {
    font-size: 100%;
    font: inherit;
/* Design */
body {
    font-size: 1em;
    line-height: 1; 
.small-button {
    font-size: 0.8em;
    margin-left: 1em;
.normal-button {
    font-size: 1em;
    margin-left: 1em;

The normal button has a margin of 1x1x16 = 16px, while the small button has a margin of 1x0.8x16 = 12.8px.

This discrepancy occurs due to an inherent property of "em" that scales everything based on the element's font size.

While this example seems straightforward, it poses challenges in maintaining consistency across my site.

Is there a way to disable this scaling property so that both buttons in the example above have the same margin without manual adjustments?

Answer №1

The em unit is designed to be relative to the current font size in use on a webpage. For a more consistent form of measurement, consider using the 'rem' unit instead. The 'rem' unit is relative to the root element of your page, typically the html tag, and stands for root em.

To learn more about this topic, check out an article by Jonathan Snook:

Answer №2

In my personal approach, I establish a "master unit" within the body and work in increments of 10s. I avoid using 16pt as default because I prefer to directly specify the font sizes I desire without relying on a predetermined chart.

body { font-size:10pt; }

When it comes to specific elements, it's important to consider that if you set an element (like a ul) at 1.2em, and then set the li to 1.0, based on a body size of 10pt</code), the <code>li will actually be calculated based on its parent container at 1.2em rather than 1.0, given that its parent's size is 1.2em.

If you want a consistent size for something like a main menu, it may be best to avoid using the em method for that particular parent object (or the li elements) and opt for a fixed px or pt approach instead.

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