What are the negative effects of placing an external CSS stylesheet link outside of the <head>

At the outset, it is well-known that the <link> tag used to connect an external CSS style sheet should ideally be placed within the <head> section of an HTML document. It is considered unconventional to place it elsewhere.

However, due to my use of head and footer includes for creating modular web designs, I have encountered some scenarios where certain CSS stylesheets need to be applied only to specific pages.

By inserting some <link> tags within the <body> section of a particular page, I have observed no major issues so far with modern browsers, except for some glitches in IE - which currently doesn't concern me greatly.

Hence, I must apologize to the HTML purists and pose the question: what are the potential drawbacks of linking CSS external stylesheets outside of the <head> section?

In my quest for answers, most sources simply reiterate w3schools' advice to "include your CSS stylesheet in the head", without delving into the reasons behind this recommendation: Are <link href=""> tags meant only for the <head> tag?

The concept of "validity" has been suggested as one reason, but what exactly does it encompass? Does it affect search engine optimization? Personally, I fail to see how search engines reading my stylesheets would benefit me in any way...

Answer №1

According to the HTML 4.01 Specification, this element defines a link that can only appear in the HEAD section of a document.

The HTML5 specification, however, does not specify that the tag must appear in the HEAD section. So if you choose to use it inside the body, ensure that you include the proper HTML5 DOCTYPE.

The HTML5 specification outlines that a link element must have a rel attribute.


If the rel attribute is used, the element is restricted to the head element.

Answer №2

<Link> element establishes the connection between the current document and another resource, such as a style sheet.

The <head> tag serves as the container for various head elements like scripts, links, titles, and meta tags. These head elements are not visible when the document is viewed in a browser.

While we can place <link> elements in the body section, other HTML elements cannot be placed in the <head> section. For instance, including an <a> element in the <head> section will not display it in the browser since it is not part of the <body> section.

It is considered best practice to place <link> elements at the top of the document within the <head> section. This ensures that all elements styled in the style sheet are applied before the page fully loads. Placing <link> at the bottom or middle of the <body> section will result in displaying all content first, with styles being applied later.

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