Managing text size in HTML email designs

How can I maintain consistent font sizes in HTML EMAILS?

The fonts look great on the website, but in my email they appear small and close together.

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I've attached a screenshot of how the email appears to me.

Any suggestions on how to address this issue?

Here is the snippet of HTML code:

<title>The Most Holy Rosary</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
#Table_01 tr td #box {
    font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
    font-size: 16px;
    line-height: 24px;
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<!-- Save for Web Slices (Holy Mary Email copy.psd) -->
<table width="843" height="855" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="Table_01">
        <td colspan="2" valign="top">
            <img src="" width="546" height="253" alt=""></td>
        <td width="297" rowspan="3" valign="top">
            <img src="" width="297" height="855" alt=""></td>
        <td width="11" valign="top">
            <img src="" width="11" height="565" alt=""></td>
        <td width="535" valign="top"><table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" id="box">
            <td valign="top"><p style="font-weight: bold; color: #666;">PRAISE BE JESUS CHRIST!</p>
              Thank you for taking the time to read this email. We are developing some exciting media to help you and others fall even more in love with JESUS through the power of Mary, the Queen of Heaven (Revelations 12) and through Heaven's blessed gift to us... The Most Holy Rosary. </p>
            <p>We need your help if you can. We need you to answer some quick questions on the Rosary. Also once on the page can you &quot;like&quot; it on Facebook, Tweet it and finally forward this email to friends who may be interested. Awesome! Thank you so much.</p>
            <p align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="364" height="67"></a></p>
            <p>Be assured of my prayers for you and all your intentions in my Rosary.</p>
            <p>In The Merciful Heart Of Jesus Christ,<br>
            <span style="color: #666">Ed Vizenor </span></p></td>
        <td colspan="2" valign="top">
            <img src="" width="546" height="37" alt=""></td>
<!-- End Save for Web Slices -->

Answer №1

It is important to remember that when creating emails, always use inline styling. External styling is not supported in emails. Structure your code like this:

<table style="font-size:16px" width="843" height="855" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></table>

Answer №2

Here is the revised code that successfully resolved the issue. Initially, I applied "INLINE STYLES" to the table which did not yield the desired outcome. Subsequently, I implemented 'INLINE STYLES" on all paragraphs within the code. Upon testing it in my email client, the formatting appeared satisfactory.

The only minor drawback observed is related to the image alignment on the left side. In Gmail, there seems to be a slight one-pixel misalignment next to the white space for text, unfortunately, this particular aspect could not be rectified.

Please find below the updated functioning code:

<title>Holy Mary Email copy</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<!-- Save for Web Slices (Holy Mary Email copy.psd) -->
<table width="843" height="855" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="Table_01">
        <td colspan="2" valign="top">
            <img src="" width="546" height="253" alt=""></td>
        <td width="297" rowspan="3" valign="top">
            <img src="" width="297" height="855" alt=""></td>
        <td width="11" valign="top">
            <img src="" width="11" height="565" alt=""></td>
        <td width="535" valign="top"><table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="box">
            <td valign="top"><p style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: #666; font-size: 17px">PRAISE BE JESUS CHRIST!</p>
              <p><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 17px">Thank you for taking the time to read this email. We are developing some exciting media to help you and others fall even more in love with JESUS through the power of Mary, the Queen of Heaven (Revelations 12) and through Heaven's blessed gift to us... The Most Holy Rosary. <br>
                </span><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 17px">We need your help if you can. We need you to answer some quick questions on the Rosary. Also once on the page can you &quot;like&quot; it on Facebook, Tweet it and finally forward this email to friends who may be interested? Awesome! Thank you so much.</span></p>
              <span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 17px">
                <p align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="364" height="67"></a></p>
              <p><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 17px">Be assured of my prayers for you and all your intentions in my Rosary.</span></p>
              <p><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 17px">In The Merciful Heart Of Jesus Christ,</span><br>
                <span style="color: #666">Ed Vizenor </span> </td>
        <td colspan="2" valign="top">
            <img src="" width="546" height="37" alt=""></td>
<!-- End Save for Web Slices -->

Answer №3

To ensure that your email displays correctly, it is recommended to include all font CSS inline within font tags, span tags or in the <td> that contains your text.

<font style="color:#770000;">Using this method will consistently work</font>

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td style="color:#770000;">
      This approach is also effective.

Answer №4

Hello there! To prevent spacing issues between images in Gmail (also seen in Hotmail), simply add display=block as an inline CSS style to your images. For example:

img src="" alt="" style="display:block;"

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